RKIS 281-Beli Online Sepatu Custom Harga Murah
Kategori: Sepatu CUSTOM » Sepatu Safety | 1621 Kali Dilihat
RKIS 281-Beli Online Sepatu Custom Harga Murah
Reviewed by
JualSepatuSafety.com on
Friday, April 22nd, 2016 .
This Is Article About RKIS 281-Beli Online Sepatu Custom Harga Murah
Spesifikasi : Action Leather Color : Black Size Run : 38 – 45 Heavy Shoes : 936 gram 1 pair (size:41) Sole : Polyurethane (PU) (oil resistant,Lightweight sole) 200 Joule Steel toecap for Impact and compression resistance
Rp 550.000
Rp 350.000 Kode Produk: RKIS-281
Detail Produk "RKIS 281-Beli Online Sepatu Custom Harga Murah"
Spesifikasi :
Action Leather
Color : Black
Size Run : 38 – 45
Heavy Shoes : 936 gram 1 pair (size:41)
Sole : Polyurethane (PU)
(oil resistant,Lightweight
200 Joule Steel toecap for Impact and
compression resistance
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