- S1P SRC CE Approved
- Lining: Breathable sandwich air mesh
- ToeCap: Extra wide Fiber glass to resist 200 j
- Outsole: PU/PU dual density
- Sole: Anti-slip shock absorption petrol and chemical resistant
- Insock : Comfortable mesh coated EVA
- Midsole plate: flexible kevlar plate anti-penetration 1100 N
Pemesanan hubungi :
+62 341-578742 ( Kantor )
0852 3311 1221 (HP & WhatsApp)
0852 3408 9809 (HP & WhatsApp)
Email :
info@jualsepatusafety.com & info@hildansafety.co.id
Website :
www.HildanIndonesia.com & www.HildanSafety.co.id
Jln.Moch.Rasyid No.9 B, RT.12 RW.O3, Kelurahan Mulyorejo, Kecamatan Sukun, Kota Malang – Jawa Timur – INDONESIA 65147.